*Magic Seedlings*

i'm planting seeds today under the sun and full moon eve and i hope you are too, in some way or form. my tiny containers and backyard garden hold prayers for nasturtiums, radishes, herbs, red peppers, carrots, onions, cucumbers, and the renewal of raspberry bushes. soon, we'll be adding more. getting ready for some delicious spring and summer kitchen magic. this season of aries calls us to action, to life and to spirit. i am reminded of a quote by writer arundhati roy, "another world is not only possible, she is on her way. on a quiet day, i can hear her breathing...”

seeking natural support for your immune system? here are some simple recipes to try, using plant friends and tools that can be commonly found in the kitchen and backyard!

<3 thyme facial/respiratory steam <3:

great for respiratory issues and stress relief. 1 tsp of dried herb (or 2-3 sprigs fresh) in a pot of water, boiled; use a towel to hold steam in and be careful placing face over hot liquids! can be combined with equal parts rosemary, mint, sage, or any preferred herb. place a towel over your head to hold the steam in, and breathe it in - careful of the heat!

garlic honey:

chop garlic, submerge in honey and let sit; enjoy sweet garlic

elderberry (or blueberry if more accessible!) elixir:

fill a jar with elderberries; pour brandy/vodka to fill 3/4 of the jar; fill the rest with honey and wait 3-6 weeks! (you could also use earlier if needed as well); store in the fridge or a cool dark place.

elderberry syrup:

basically same as above, except replace alcohol with filtered water and can use immediately :] ; store in fridge.

text resources to explore:

the gift of healing herbs by robin rose bennett

braiding sweetgrass by robin wall kimmerer

Shirley Leung