Transforming in the Year of the Yin Metal Ox

Everything we’ve built was once a vision. Everything we’re living in is a result of our ancestor’s imagination.

This month I’ve been writing and journaling alongside my own yoga and meditation practice, and a theme that I’ve been working with has change and transformation, with the Chinese New Year, as we find oureselves in the beginning of the Year of the Yin Metal Ox. *Shoutout to my amazing acupuncturist Monique at TCM Clinic for teaching me Chinese astrology!

The Rat (2020) and Ox (2021) reside together in the celestial House of Creativity, kicking off a new 12-year zodiac cycle. The Rat rules the life phase of conception - the very first spark of new life. And what the Rat initiates the methodical Ox brings to fruition - step by steady step. The year of the Yin Metal Ox brings us the stamina we need to materialize our visions for justice.

But our fruit doesn’t ripen overnight. This is a Yin year, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, a year to build, to nurture, to grow. The Ox rules the life phase of gestation. So let your fruit ripen on the vine. Let it soak up the sun, the rain, growing heavy and ready. Trust it knows when it's time. The day the flesh is fragrant, and so hard to turn down, it will break free, surrender into gravity, carrying the seeds of a just future into the world.

Let your transformation process ripen until it’s irresistible.

Happy Lunar New Year to everyone! It’s a bittersweet inside the rising tide of Anti-Asian violence. And through the steadfastness of Ox year, we can build a future beyond xenophobia and white supremacy!

Shirley Leung